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MUTAFORMA, 2021, dvd 1’50”, color, sound A.Z., Ed. 7

RITUAL , 1st january, 2014, dvd 3′, color, sound A.Z., Ed. 7

2012, dvd 7’30”, color, sound A.Z.poem A.Dematteis, Ed.7

EMO, 2009, n°4 dvd 8’, multi screen Installation, color, sound. F. Cubisino, Ed. 7 

DELICIOUS, 2008, dvd 2’50’’, color, sound. A.Z., Ed. 7

7VITE, 2007, n° 2 dvd 2’10’’, multi screen Installation, color, sound A.Z., Ed. 7

PAUSE, 2006, Dvd 1’40”, color, sound A.Z., Ed.7

RETURN, 2006, dvd 2’05’’, color, sound A.Z., Ed. 7

DUEL, 2006, 2 dvd 1’45’’, multi screen installation, color, sound A.Z., Ed.7

1’30” di RESPIRO, 2006, dvd 1’50’’, color, sound A.Z., Ed. 7

MUTE, 2005, dvd 1’30’’, color, sound A.Z., Ed. 7 + 2 A.p.

PUNTO DEBOLE, 2005, dvd 2’30’’, color, sound A.Z., Ed. 7

LIBERA USCITA, 2004, n°2 dvd 1′, multi screen installation, color, sound A.Z., Ed.5

SOFFIO, la resa, 2003, n°2 dvd, 4’, multi screen installation, color, sound A.Z., Ed 7

 GIACINTO IN OTTO ATTI, 2003, n°8 dvd 2’30’’, multi screen installation, color, sound A.Z., Ed.7

PRENDER CORPO, 2005, dvd 1’30’’, videoanimation, sound A.Z., Ed.7

SENZA TESTA, O AVERLA E NON USARLA, 2004, dvd 1’, color, sound A.Z., Ed.7

terra-3 copia
LA VESTIZIONE DELLA COSMONAUTA, 2001-‘03, n°3 dvd 5’30’’, Multi screen installation, color, sound A.Z., Ed.7

DELFINA IN NOVE ATTI, 2001, n°9 dvd 9’30”, Multi screen installation, color, sound A.Z., Ed.7

MAMANONMAMA, 2000, Vhs / dvd 4’, color, sound A.Z., Ed. 7

NON CONFORME, 2000, n°2 Vhs 5’, Multi screen installation, color, sound A.Z., Ed.7